Abergele English Pensarn and St George

The Mayor

Welcome from the Mayor - Cllr Diane Green

I would like to welcome all viewers to the Abergelepensarn website. This I hope will be a valuable source of information about Abergele Town Council and our community in general.

Our Mayor

The Mayor of Abergele, Cllr Diane Green, was officially sworn in on Thursday 2nd May 2024. The ceremony was at the Town Hall.

If you wish to invite the Mayor to a function, please complete this form together with a Checklist for event organisers and either:

Email it to info@abergeletowncouncil.gov.wales


Post it to
The Worshipful Mayor of Abergele, Cllr. Diane Green
Abergele Town Council
Llanddulas Road
LL22 7BT

The Mayor's Diary

Engagements to be fulfilled by the Mayor of Abergele:

Mayoral Booking Form

Cllr Diane Green, Town Mayor 2024/25

Role of the Mayor

The Mayor takes precedence over all persons in the town. The Mayor is the first citizen of Abergele represents the Council, all political groups and the people of Abergele. The Mayor is a ‘Public Relations Officer’ for the town and must be non-political at all times during his/her term of office. The Mayor, by virtue of the office, also presides at the meetings of the Council where it is his/her duty to keep order, control the conduct of debate and carry out the procedures outlined in the Council's Standing Orders.

In addition to chairing the full Council meetings held in the Council Chamber every month, the Mayor will:

  • Open events held in the town and extend a Civic Welcome

  • Host various functions and Civic Receptions

  • Support sports people of the town (visit or start events, present prizes,etc)

  • Open various events (school fetes, new businesses, etc)

  • Attend a wide variety of events (Open Days, school/college presentations, Annual General Meetings, Dinners, neighbouring Civic Events, etc)

  • Visit many townspeople to celebrate special occasions (e.g. 100th birthdays, etc)

Cllr Tracey Brennan Deputy Mayor 2024/25

Role of the Deputy Mayor

A Deputy Mayor is also elected. The role of the Deputy Mayor is to undertake the above in the absence of the Mayor.

Role of the Mayoress / Mayor's Consort
After being elected by his/her fellow Councillors to the role, an incoming Mayor may appoint a Mayoress or Consort to accompany him/her when attending functions and events during the course of his/her year in office and assist him/her when organising receptions and charity fundraising events.

Role of the Mayor's Chaplain
The Mayor's Chaplain, chosen by the incoming Mayor after his/her appointment looks after the Mayor's spiritual needs, assisting and officiating during the Mayor's Civic Service and often at other services during the course of the year in office. The Mayor's Chaplain occasionally accompanies the Mayor to functions when appropriate.
If you have occasion to contact The Mayor of Abergele, perhaps to invite him to attend / officiate at an event you are holding, or for some other reason, the Mayor may be contacted as follows:

By Post
The Worshipful Deputy Mayor of Abergele, Cllr. Tracey Brennan
Abergele Town Council
Llanddulas Road
LL22 7BT

Tel: 01745 833242
E-mail: info@abergeletowncouncil.gov.wales


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