Abergele English Pensarn and St George

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Abergele U3A

Abergele & District University of the Third Age (U3A)

What is the U3A? We are independent, autonomous, self-help learning co-operatives.
The term University is used in its original meaning: A group of people devoted to the common activity of learning.
Abergele U3A has over 200 members at the moment and offers interest groups, talks and social activities for everyone. Although they appeal particularly to people aged 50 or over, there are no age limits. No qualifications are required to become a U3A member and U3As award no qualifications to their members.
We hope you will come along to one of our Open Meetings, on the first Thursday of each month at 2pm in The Old People's Club in Abergele.

Please contact us through our website:



Old People's Club, Church Street , Abergele, Conwy, LL22 7AN

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